Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Beach wrap/throw/coverup

I wanted something to cover me when I went on holiday 2 weeks ago, so I created this wrap. I added detachable straps using buttons, and buttons down the front so that I could do it up as needed.

Written in US terminology.
1. Chain enough to wrap around the largest part of your body, for me it was my hips. Add 5 more and turn.
2. Double crochet in 7th chain from hook. *Chain 2, double crochet 2 chains from the last DC.* Repeat * to end of the row.
3. Chain 5, turn. DC in the top of the DC in the row below. *Chain 2, double crochet 2 chains from the last DC.* Repeat this row as desired. I did 9 rows, then switched to ch 5, turn, dc in previous dc, ch 5, dc. my rows weren't even, so to save frogging 10 rows one side of the wrap has dc in previous dc, ch 5, dc.

I added straps and a border at the top and the bottom. It can be used as a wrap or a throw as desired, the buttons make it easily adjustable.


  1. Thanks for the instructions! I bet that hooks up pretty quickly, too, which is good for me because i looove those "instant gratification" projects.

  2. Lovely wrap - your colorway makes me "happy" :) Thanks, Nikki!

  3. 60 rows sound about right ?

    1. It's up to you how long/short you want it to be :)
